Children’s Ministry

At Nolen Hills, our Children’s Ministry focuses on the needs of our children from birth to 5th grade with the goal of developing lifelong Jesus followers.  The information below describes several ways your family can get involved with the Nolen Hills Children’s Ministry, where we partner with parents to help their children know Christ better and walk in His Way.

Nursery and Bible Classes

Nolen Hills Children’s Ministry loves the Bible!  On Sunday mornings, children meet in classes by grade level to learn Bible stories and life applications from the Old and New Testaments.  We offer the following Sunday morning classes for our students:

  • Pre-K (ages 3 and up)
  • Combined Kindergarten and 1st Grade
  • Combined 2nd and 3rd Grade
  • Combined 4th and 5th Grade classes.  

We also have a Nursery available during Sunday morning Worship services and class time.

On Wednesday evenings, children continue to have opportunities to reinforce their Biblical literacy through the following opportunities:

  • Pre-K and Nursery Class
  • Lower Elementary Class (K through 3rd)
  • Upper Elementary Class (4th and 5th)


Nolen Hills Children’s Ministry loves VBS!  Each summer, we provider our students and community members the opportunity to focus the wonders of God’s Word in a fun and interactive Vacation Bible School.  Through songs, skits, play, stories, snacks, and art, we strive to reinforce the importance of following Jesus and building community through fellowship.


Nolen Hills loves fellowship!  Whether skating rink days, Easter egg hunts, family picnics at the church playground, or our annual PJs and Pancakes event, we see incredible value in the opportunity to fellowship with our families with young children.